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Foundations of Code (Zionites)
11-21-2009, 09:32 AM,
RE: Foundations of Code (Zionites)
EichDee and Karaa had headed south and had finally left Stamos after a ten minutes run. They were now sitting in a club named The Lynch Pin, in the northeast section of Lucero Point, the district south of Stamos. Dee's contact, Goldfield, was an illegal item seller exile that owned the bar there. He didn't really side with Zion, but sided with whoever gave him good $info. He was reliable, though, as he never sold information to other factions about his clients. And Dee knew him for a while, so she felt The Lynch Pin was a nice place to settle back for a little while, take time to think things through.

The heavy industrial music playing in the bar added a strange contrast to their situation a little while ago, but it did relax them a bit. Karaa was sitting on a couch, while Goldfield was inspecting her, healing her injuries. They were in a private booth, so no one could come bother. Through the large windows, EichDee could see the numerous exiles and bluepills partying bellow. Numerous members of the Sparks - the most notorious gang in Lucero - were also present.

- You're in pretty bad shape! remarked Goldfield. What the hell happened to you girls?!
- A little run-in with an Agent, nothing you've never seen, answered Dee simply.

Even if he was an ally, it was unnecessary for him to know the whole story. Goldfield got the message and kept working on Karaa, who seemed a bit stoned, probably due to the massive amount of health pills he gave her. Dee had taken two herself, and she slowly felt her broken ribs repairing.

Dee's phone rang, to the big surprise of Karaa. She took it to her ear without wasting time.

- Yes?
- Seems we still are in contact, assumed Ocelet. Are you okay, you looked like you were in a big battle.
- It probably won't be long before I go invisible too, we've just had an encounter with an Agent.
- Damn. Listen, I'm working on a small experimental trace program that I'm going to send to you by mail. Are you with someone?
- Yeah, I'm with Karaa.
- Great news! So look, I'm going to transmit you the trace pills through a mail box. I'll send you the coordinates in a moment. Give one to her to see if it works. It's a bypass, so it probably won't be infinite or stable, but if it works it will at least give me her location so I can jack her out. Try to meet up with the rest of the crews too, and give them some of the pills too.
- If it works, Ocelet, I'm paying the drinks once we're back in Zion!
- Looking forward to it, Captain!

Dee closed her cell phone and put it back into her pocket. A moment after information was uploaded into her brain, and she smiled a little. The coordinates sent by Ocelet were at Magog in Richland, not far from Mara, where the other operatives were apparently hiding. If all went well, they could all be jacked out in an hour.

She quickly explained the situation to Karaa, not minding anymore about Goldfield hearing. Karaa couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Everything was starting to look better.

- There's still the issue of Valaro, though, she said after a few short moments.
- You're right, admitted EichDee.
- Well, you said you had a plan to find him, right?
- Yes, but it may take some time, she answered truthfully, tapping her earpiece. I've been monitoring machines com chatter for a while, so if they ever mention him, I'll know right away.
- Huh... Quite a useful thing to know how to use.
- I don't like having it, though.
- I get ya.

Karaa tried to stand up, and to both Dee and Gold's surprise, she didn't fall back down. She looked a lot better than she did an hour ago. She could probably stand her own against a few exiles now. Good news!, Dee thought to herself.

- So what's the plan now, asked Goldfield. You'll try to reach that mailbox and see if that tracer pill works?
- It's all we've got for now, agreed Karaa.
- We probably still have Norris on our backs, though, thought EichDee out loud.
- Don't worry about it, Ms. Dee, reassured Gold. No Agent will come in here, they never do. And I'm pretty sure they don't expect you to be here. The Lynch Pin is safer against them than any other place in Westview!
- I know, smiled Dee. That's why I came here.

Their conversation was cut short when the private booth's door slammed open. By reflex Dee and Karaa went into fighting stance, but instead of a man in a suit, a woman wearing red leather came in, looking very angry.

- Goldfield, why in hell are Zion operatives doing in our club? I don't want any more trouble than I already have!

Goldfield sighed, and shook his head. Dee and Karaa relaxed a bit, still a bit insulted by the angry woman's comment.

- Ladies, began Goldfield, I introduce you to Little Maria, the leader of the Sparks, and my associate. She has a temper, but she's not all bad.
- I see, said EichDee, a suspicious look on her face.

She knew the reputation she had. She had heard of Maria for quite a while. The woman was egoistic, self-centered, and a pain to socialize with, but had incredible charisma and could inspire her followers with incredible trust. She was a great leader, probably the reason why the Sparks were such a well-known exile gang.

- Why are you helping them?! she rambled on. You know those cave crawlers always bring trouble! And I have enough going with the King's Men to get myself involved with the gear-heads Zionites always seem to attract!
- Cave... crawlers? lightly asked Karaa, getting seriously insulted.
- Maria, please calm down, pleaded Goldfield. They were in need of medical attention, and they were about to leave.
- It's true, confirmed Dee, staying polite. And I just learned that Valaro is heading Downtown. Apparently he killed a Cypherite he didn't like. Machines are tracking him for explanations but... It seems he really is on their side now...
- So... What are we going to do? asked Karaa after a little pause.
- I guess the best plan is... well... You will go to Magog and get the pills. If it works, Ocelet will call you. From there, go to Mara and meet up with the others, give them some too. You'll be able to jack out afterwards.
- But, what about you?
- I'm going downtown. Since hardlines are under close surveillance, I guess I'll use a car.
- No way, intervened Goldfield. You'd have to cross the bridges over the aqueduc; those are as a death trap as the highway, always under close machine surveillance. You'll definatly run into gear-heads before you even reach the other side.
- But I have no choice. I need to find him, I must get to the bottom of this.
- Then... Perhaps we could offer help?

Goldfield was now starring at Maria, and soon all the eyes were turned on her. When she realized what he ment, Little Maria overloaded a fuse.

- Are you kidding?! No way I'm helping them!! Didn't you listen to me a second ago? I want nothing to do with gear-heads!
- You owe me one, Maria. Consider this a repayment on a favor I gave you a while back.
- But...

Karaa turned her attention towards Dee. She had concerned eyes, but they were burning with resolve.

- Are you sure you want to do this? she asked, already knowing the answer.
- Of course! One of us has to head to Mara to back up our friends, and the other has to find out what Valaro is up to, and put an end to it. You're faster than me, so you will reach Mara Church before I would. I'm better with guns, so crossing the bridge in car will be easier for me. It's safer this way. For now I can still jackout without the pills, so if it turns bad on the way, I'll contact Ocelet.
- Two persons, two destinations, said Goldfield. Sounds like what an old friend of ours would've said.

* * *

- Good luck, Karaa. If you see Norris, give him my best regards
- Hehe, I will. Take care, Dee.

And Karaa jumped away, soon disappearing behind the decrepit buildings of Lucero Point, shrouded in the darkness night time imposed them. EichDee smiled to herself, and turned towards Little Maria and her crew. She had taken off her suit coat, and her white blouse was now covered with a black bullet-proof vest.

- Let's get going.

Dee and the Sparks entered three armored 4x4, and in one big tire screech, they headed for the bridges connecting the south and north part of town.


Karaa had her back pressed against cold concrete. She was close to the drop off location that EichDee had specified. She moved to take another glance around the corner knowing that it would not change the predicament she found herself in. Bluepills. They were all huddled around a flaming trash can between her and the objective. Karaa couldn’t afford to go near the more populated areas of Richland. If even one of them became suspicious of her she would have a nice face to face with agent Norris again. Though that sounded appealing, Karaa was still not at a 100% and therefore in no way ready to face him again. She took a deep breath and looked down at her clothes. Jeans with holes now peppered in multiple areas, her shirt was tarred up by her shoulder where the agent's bullet went in, her jacket, well it would probably be best to discard it but for now she kept it on. Blood spots could be seen on every part of her. She glanced around the corner again. Homeless most likely, Karaa concluded. She leaned against the wall. I can pull this off she thought, not like I have to add much to this look. She reached up and pulled the chop sticks that held her hair together out and pocketed them. Karaa took her hands and slid them into her hair before she started moving them back and forth in quick motions. Karaa's hair was already a mess so this just served to intensify the effect.
Karaa looked at the ground and couldn't believe she was going to do this. She sighed and bent down to dip her fingers in the mud at her feet. She began to rub it on her face and on her hands.
After a moment she straightened, took one last deep breath and then rounded the corner.


Location: Unknown, Somewhere in Downtown.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------

Valaro walked into the underground carpark, his purple trench closed over to stop him from getting wet. The light drizzle had now become a heavy rain. It covered the entire city. He unbuttoned it then walked further into the car park. Ahead of him were two doors, black with a chrome strip, above it was a red dimmed light. And all around there were people dressd in latex and bondage outfits. He seemed rather out of place in comparison. A group of people entered through the doors and Valaro stopped to look at the sign.

"Club Hell"

This was a very familiar place, everyone awakened regardless of faction knew what was here. The Merovingians own Nightclub. a disgusting sess pool of drug induced maniacs, girls wearing little or nothing at all. Sex in the middle of dance floors. Slaves. And lots of Alcohol. This was the mervs place alright. He proceeded to the doors and was approached by two men.

" See, your wearing a trench coat. everyone else has crochless undies and latex attire. You stick out like a sore thumb. Plus we know all to well who you are. So tell us whats brought you here? Becasue you know the only way your getting in is over my..."

Valaro pushed him aside enough to take him off balance for a few seconds. quickly drawing his gun he shot the other exile in the leg, taking him to one knee and then turned to point in at the other in time for him to face him.

"Over your? I thought so. I need to speak with him, I have a proposition which will be very suitable to his needs shall we say?"

"Fine, go ahead"

"Oh now come on how many times have I been here before, your coming with me to let your little troupe below know I have safe passage" Valaro waved his gun several times in the direction of the doors, signalling him to go in. The two men took the elevator down to the botom floor, the doors opened out into an old style room with many pillars. ahead of them was a rack with hundred's of guns stored away while the guests party in the main room. They walked ahead and took a sharp left and proceeded down a set of stairs. The room was filled with thousands of people dancing. Loud music was all that could be heard. Valaro hit the Exile on the back of the head knocking him unconsious. Then time seemed to slow down he jumped into the air and onto the upper floor, he landed perfectly and six heavily armed men all took agressive stances at him. Valaro had his arm streched outwards, gun in his hand pointing it at one of the exiles. The Merovingian cried:

"STOP! Quel est le sens de ceci vous est pourquoi ici Valaro?" What is your purpose for being here?"

Valaro had his gun trained on Persephone. The Merovingian looking almost worried told his men to lower there weapons. Valaro lowered his and put it away in the holster on his coat pocket. He took a seat in front of The Merovingian.

"It's simple. You give me the back up I need and some inside information in order to fin..."

"Let me tell you something yes. I am a man of power. I reign over those wo have none. And you think you can walk in here making demands?"

"I'm not making demands. You name your price and we shall make a deal. Sound to be in your interest?"

"Dacorrd, Continuez"

Valaro began naming what he wanted in exchange for what The Merovingian would want in return.....


Karaa walked past the bluepills, keeping her head down.
"Hey." One of them called out to her.
She tried to keep her hair in her face as he approached.
"You're new around here." It was a statement not a question
"Yes." Karaa replied.
"My names Pat, yours?"
Karaa didn't response for a moment trying to think of a decent name to give him.
"Nice to meet you --" His voice cut off as he saw the blood on Karaa's clothes. "You know theres a free clinic near here..."
"I'm fine."
"Are you sure? You don't look fine." Great, Karaa thought, she was too disastrous to even fit in here.
"Someone else's jacket, I picked it up in the vacant car lot over in Tabor."
Pat nodded seemingly accepting my explanation.
"Well let me know if you need anything, it can be hard out here." Karaa ventured to look up to see this man. Most kept to themselves in mega city, yet this man offered help, rare indeed.
His face was cleaner than hers, mud was too much she mentally noted. Pat seemed to be around her age, early 20s.
Karaa smiled, "Thanks, Pat. I have to be somewhere, friends need me."
"Ah ok, I'm sure I'll see ya around."
Karaa nodded and walked away slowly as he looked after her.
She released a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. That was close. She saw the mailbox over on the other side of the street. Karaa looked to make sure no cars were coming before she crossed; she reached her hand inside and felt the top of the mailbox. After a moments search she found what she was looking for. Karaa pulled out a small package and opened it, inside were a handful of purple pills.
"Way to go, Ocelet." Karaa said aloud.


Karaa walked over to an alley way, took out the small packet and slipped one of the small purple pills into the palm of her hand. She stared at it for a moment and then put it in her mouth and swallowed. Karaa didn't feel any different; she pulled out her cell phone and was in the process of putting up to her ear when she felt a shooting pain in her chest that quickly spread to her stomach. Karaa felt her hands smack into the concrete as she fell to her knees. Her cell phone fell, opened a few inches away. Karaa started breathing heavy as the pain shot through her body. She looked up and around as she gasped for air, she couldn’t let anyone see her.
She reached for her cell as the pain intensified. What the hell...
Karaa put the phone to her ear, "Operator." Her voice shook on a whimper.
"Karaa!! I can see you!!! Hold on I’ll emergency jack you out." Ocelet's concern and excitement mixed to turn her voice high-pitched.
"No. wait." Karaa wheezed.
"Karaa?? Whats going on?"
"The’s painful."
Why couldn't anything be easy? Hadn't she endured enough today?
“Painful…I – it shouldn’t be.”
Karaa took a deep breath, “You can see me?”
“Yes. Let me jack you out Karaa.”
“No, I have to get-“Karaa gritted her teeth as a wave of pain washed over her. “The others” she continued, “I have to get them out.”
There was silence on the other end of the line and some background beeping noise. “Ocelet?” Karaa whispered.
“Karaa…Hurry.” Ocelet's own voice matched her own.
Karaa immediately turned serious, “What is it?”


8 Minutes Earlier in Downtown

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

Valaro had an uneasy feeling. He sensed that the Zionites he had left behind were planning something. A Final cou? Perhaps they them selves were on there way to The Merovingian, to ask him for his help. It began to feel strange. He shook it off as he stepped into the veichle, and took out his cell phone. He dialled #481, the number every Zionite knows. The phones dial tone was still dead. A smile of relief poured over Valaros face. An Exile got into the driver seat and drove away from club hell. In the back were 3 other Exiles. Lupines, sent by The Merovingian to aid him.

He dialled anothe rnumber into his cell Phone. "Gray? I have it. Indeed. Shes been Jacked in for 13 days. Yes. She will spend a maximum of two weeks at any time inside the matrix, as her ship will need recharged after that. Yes. Uriah. Were on our way, but theres some sort of EPN disturbance happening on the main bridge in richland from downtown. I'm going to have to take the route through Westview. Ill hold up my end of the deal, if you make sure our pressence in Westview goes unnoticed. That sounds good. Any news on the remaning Tiger crew members? What do you mean she escaped? You need to find Eichdee or she will ruin eveything. Look I can beat her, Ive dont it many times. She has potential but shes not strong enou... Find her and kill her, and there wont be any more obstacles. Ok, send me the kill code. A mailbox just before the bridge leading to westview, ill collect it on my way." Valaro closed the slide on his phone, and sat back in the seat. this was the first real rest he had gotten since two days before hand back on the Tiger, he began to nod off.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --

"Karaa, you were my best friends girlfriend. About a week before he got killed by that Agent he made me swear to protect you. The only way I see that being possible is if your on my ship."

"Don't give me that oath to an old friend crap Val! I've seen the way you look at me at the temple parties. I dont feel anything towards you and to be honest its kind of creepy to serve on the same ship, with someone who has only one thing in mind!"

"DONT EVER TALK THAT WAY ABOUT DANNY! HE WAS THE CLOSEST THING I HAD TO A BROTHER AND THATS TA....." Valaro looked away, taking a breath to calm himself.
"Look , your an attractive woman, but the reason I want you on the Tiger isnt just becasue of Danny, but becasue you have a speed at which Ive never seen a Redpill run at beside maybe Neo. You know of coded messages left, packages dropped. Other factions trying to get important data. Your speed is something the Tiger needs! Were the most loyal of Zion's followers and your one too. Join me!"


Valaro woke sudddenly to an Exile nudging him on the shoulder.

"Were here."

He stepped out of the car and looked around. It was still dark and quite diffiucult to see anything. Small dots glimmering could be seen in the distance, apartment windows open, with net curtains hanging outside as the residents slept not knowing what was going on. The treachery, the teamwork, the death. A street lamp nearby was flickering on and off, due to faulty wiring. a water main was spruing water all over the sidewalk where kids had been enjoying the fun earlier in the day. There was a silence. Not a breath of wind. Something was off. Val got back into the car.

"We wait. Somethings not right, I want to make sure there will be no mess ups. We wait and go on my order."

The Exiles sat and watched the mailbox and all around the car. Valaro decided he would catch another nap, and closed his eyes.... AUUGGGGHHHH! Valaro woke suddenly, grasping his chest! A massive pain was affecting him. A heart attack? Stroke? No something else? But what......


The black speeding 4x4s finally got in view of the bridge. The night acted both as an advantage and a disadvantage; There were not many civilians on the bridge, so less risk of collateral damage, but that meant they would be noticed easier. But with the three Dodge trucks full of exiles and weapons, it was as if they were begging for a battle. Valaro's explanation better be worth the shot!

The aqueduct separating Mega City in two was actually quite wide; it could take ten minutes at 40mph to get from side to side. Nothing like the highway connecting downtown and the center of town - which could take a good half an hour to cross at 60mph, depending on the traffic, and if you were actually going only that far, and not out of town. That was why crossing bridges were less risky, but they were still a deathtrap.

EichDee slammed the fully-loaded 30 rounds magazine into her M4CQB assault rifle. The exiles had been generous, the Dodge was full of guns of all kinds; rifles, shotguns, handguns, sub machine guns, grenades, even an RPG for those desperate situations. Even though Dee could choose any of those and more when jacking in, she still fell the thrill and excitement in her.

She was sitting in the second truck along with Maria and two more exiles. The checkpoints before the bridge were in sight, and they started slowing down.

- Let's try to see if we can get through without having to shoot someone before making half the city blow up, suggested Dee.
- I was about to say the same thing, crawler, hissed Little Maria.

EichDee ignored the remark and kept looking at the first car ahead of them. It eventually stopped at the checkpoint, and the driver began talking to the guard. The old man didn't look hard to convince, and he opened the gate after a few seconds. The 4x4 started moving again, and soon the three trucks had resumed their drive. Well this is going well...

As the Dodge she was in past in front of the checkpoint post, she noticed the old guard was gone. An Agent was now standing in his position, pulling out his FM-1500 from his shoulder holster.

- Oh shit! jumped the exile behind her.
- Agent! confirmed Dee. That was quick!
- To all vehicules, said Maria to her talkie-walkie. You are weapons free. Sparks, let's blow up some gear-heads!

The three vehicules stepped on the gas, quickly reaching the 65mph mark. The Agent had the time to put a few rounds into the last two cars, but the armored chassis was holding all right. A few seconds on the bridge and already they could hear sirens behind them. Three squad cars had already caught up to them.

- Man those cops are fast! screamed Dee, looking out from the window.
- We have other problems, crawler! warned Maria. First car warned me we have machine operatives coming at us from the other end of the bridge!
- How can they be so fast?!
- Told ya it was a stupid idea! I should have stayed at the Lynch Pin and told you to F off!
- Nice! grinned Dee. Always nice to know you've got people watching your back!

EichDee opened the top window of the truck, and got outside to her hips. The two exiles got out from the windows, sitting on the doors, their guns ready to spray death. The 4x4 on the back and on the front had done the same.

She could see the headlights of the cars coming, and the three squad cars behind her. With a smile on her face, EichDee gave a hard pull on the charging handle, cocking the gun.

- Rock and Roll!


Karaa was still holding her cell to her ear. Both her and Ocelet silent.
The pain returned as Karaa started breathing again. It flashed behind her eyes and squeezed her lungs.
"How much time?"
"Not long, they know where we are but they can't see us, not yet. Thank god EichDee fixed that cloaking system."
Karaa took an unsteady breath.
"Status of the crew?" She was surprised the Ocelet could even understand what she was saying.
"Ceege and Angelis have stabilized. Though by looking at Angelis brain waves, he is unconscious. Radomir is fine as well."
When Ocelet didn't continue, Karaa asked, "EichDee and Valaro?"
"Dee's fine, she’s still on the bridge. Valaro...his heart rate is similar to yours."
"What does that mean?"
"I don't know but you’re both experiencing the same type of trauma. Valaro's is of a lesser intensity, more localized is my guess. While yours ...." Ocelet trailed off.
"Is everywhere." Karaa finished for her.
"Karaa, you need to jack out now, or ...this...your heart...your body won't hold up against this."
Karaa concentrated on breathing, inhale, exhale.
"What about Valaro, will this kill him too?"
"I don't believe so; there are key differences in your stats. His is more...I'm not sure how to explain." Ocelet paused for a second before continuing, "Your whole system is starting to crash...his isn't."
Karaa pushed herself up using the alley wall for support. Her legs felt like Jell-O.
"Keep me updated Ocelet; I'm going to the church."
"Karaa didn’t you hear me? You need to jack out now."
"I have to get them out, Ocelet. We both know there are no other options."
Ocelet sighed.
"How long till they find us?"
"15 minutes max."
"Then I’ll see you soon."
"Wait, Karaa..."
"Times like these that I’m glad you transferred to the tiger."
"Don't worry, Ocelet, you will see us all soon."
And with that, karaa slide her phone closed and put it in her pocket. The tiger...she’s always questioned her decision to transfer. Karaa thought that with time that nagging feeling would go away but it never did. She smirked as she backed off the wall. Maybe it was a sense of self preservation that kept her doubting.


"Ocelot?" came the familiar voice of Radomir through the headset.
"Radomir? is that you?" Ocelot looked frantically through the code for the familiar signal after focusing on all the attention Dee was bringing on her and her convoy.
"I need an update on Ang and Karaa I'm with Ceege and we're wanting to get into the fight!"
"Well maybe you should get in touch with Dee first..." Radomir suddenly interrupted
"What Dee is in the Matrix what the hell is going on I feel like I'm running blind!!" Radomir began pacing nervously at the news.
"Look she needs your help she has agents and police on her tail she is going to need all the help she can get."
"Don't worry Ocelot I let Ang down I'm not gonna let Dee down where can I find her?" Radomir looked at Ceege and gave him the sign to move they had seen two brand new Honda CBR600rr's out the front which looked like the perfect way to get around fast.

"That's easy follow every cop in town......and pray for a mirac" Radomir hung up his cell placed it in his leather jacket and moved to the bikes.

As they hit the road Radomir was determined nothing would stop him from helping his ship mates.


The spray of bullets penetrated the Chevelle's fuel reservoir, causing a spark that sent the car burning up in flames. In one tight turn, the three armored trucks dodge the flaming carcass of the sports car. Another mech operative down! grinned EichDee to herself.

The small convoy was now surrounded by machine vehicles. Some of the Sparks were shot down and fell from the Dodge. The first 4x4 in the convoy was hit by one of the enemy trucks, which sent the Dodge off balance for a second. It was just enough to make it crash into a lamp post, the driver apparently killed on the spot.

- We'll never make it at this rate! declared Dee, starting to lose her optimism.

She unloaded another wave of rounds into the squad car on their right, which hit the driver, sending the car off course. She quickly reloaded, and took aim at another machinist car, in time to see that the enemy operative had taken her target. She ducked just in time to dodge the gust of bullets that hit the armored 4x4. Cursing, she took out the RPG, and opened the back left window. The opponent never had the time to see the rocket hit his car, turning it into a big ball of flaming metal.

Maria took a quick turn on the right, trying not to get rammed by the big truck that had taken out the first car.

- Why the hell didn't you shoot at that guy instead, crawler?!
- I didn't think he was still there!
- How can you miss a Hummer?!

The Hummer slammed the Dodge, and positionned itself right next to it. Dee could see the operative on the passenger side sticking his uzi out of the window, straight that Maria's head. Not loosing a second, she came out from the left back window and grabbed the gear-head's arm, who missed his shot completely. Using a reverse strike, she sent his weapon flying. Dee jumped out of the window and landed on the Hummer, much to the surprise of both Maria and the machine operatives. She crawled to the front of the vehicle, and landed on the hood, where she could see her opponents freak out through the windshield.

Taking out her westek, she shot twice. TSIK! TSIK! She jumped back on the black Dodge before the H2 went off course, hitting a civilian car going the opposite way. As she looked at her surroundings, she saw that the two remaining black 4x4s were the only ones left. The other car had probably taken care of the rest. But another one was coming from the rear at an alarming rate.

- Oh, crap, cursed EichDee when she saw which car it was.

A black Audi sedan, the car Agents used the most. In less than a few seconds, it had caught up to the last exile truck, and she heard the sound of an FM-1500. The driver of the last Dodge was killed, and the truck slowed down, letting the Audi free to catch up with the last one remaining.

- We've got Agents on our asses! warned Dee.
- I know, hang on!

The black armored car had a sudden boost of speed; not having to wait for the last vehicle probably meant Maria wasn't shy to step on the gas anymore. The Audi was still catching up though.

Still through the roof window of the Dodge, EichDee took her handgun again and shot five times at the tinted windshield of the Audi, right where the driver was. The window cracked, but no signs of bullet holes.

- It's bullet-proof, of course!

She got back in the car and looked behind the rear bench. She could hear bullet impacts on the vehicle's chassis. Cursing, she finally found what she was looking for; A Benelli M3 pump-action shotgun. Getting back out again, she took aim once more at the cracks on the windshield. She shot thrice. The third blast blew open a large hole in the window, apparently killing the driver. But as the car was loosing pace, an Agent got out of the passenger side, onto the roof of the Audi, and jumped.

- You're shitting me!!! cursed Dee and Maria in one voice.

The Agent landed right in front of Dee, who was caught by surprise, bending the chassis of the vehicle when he landed. He sent a quick kick to her face, making her fall back into the car, stunned. Amidst Maria's curses, she could see the roof being teared apart. The Agent had ripped it off from the car, and had now taken his handgun, pointing at the young, stunned operative.

Maria, uzi in hand, unloaded at the Agent beside her. Hit several times, he fell from the car onto the street, rolling like a ball until he could not be seen anymore. As EichDee was getting up to thank the exile, her eyes went wide.

- Watch out!! she screamed.

Having lost focus on the driving, Maria had left the Dodge heading straight into a wall. The crash was immense, sending Dee flying into the dash of the car along with Maria, who both lost consciousness on the second.

* * *

As she opened her eyes, she could see the carcass of the of 4x4 crashed into one of the brige's pillar walls. How it didn't blew up, she didn't know.

She was laying on the ground several meters away from the car. Maria was by her side, her face covered in blood. She was still breathing though. How... did we get here?

That's when she noticed the figure above them. The man, who was holding a rifle, had a serious look on his face. His long white jacket was dancing in the soft wind, and he was gazing afar. He turned his head towards Dee, noticing she woke up. It didn't take long for her to remember who it was.

- Pylat! she managed to say.
- Don't talk too much, you probably have a concussion.

Pylat was one of her oldest friends, back in the days she was first freed from the Matrix. He always talked in a professional and serious tone, but she knew him all to well; beneath the appearance of the almost stoic second best member of Pride, Pylat always cared for his subordinates and friends, going to great lengths to help them. In a weird, ironic way, EichDee wasn't surprised to see him standing there.

- The Agents will catch up soon, said her old friend, keeping his serious tone.
- Yeah, caughed Dee, trying to get up. We're in real trouble now...
- That's not all. We have exiles coming from downtown.

She felt a chill passing through her spine. She didn't need to hear the rest to know what he was about to say.

- Valaro is among them, they said together.


Tyre marks, bullet casings a corpse of what was no doubt either a police officer or someone in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was about a 1/4 of the way up the bridge and still had a little bit to go!

"Help me I'm stuck this car rammed me, there was a woman in a black 4x4 she was mad or maybe one of those gang members she was shooting at this guy is he ok??." Radomir saw this helpless bluepill and wondered just what the hell was going on what should have been a simple mission in and out quicker then the time for a pizza had turned to jelly.

"Are you ok sir?" His voice sounding calmer then he was feeling inside.
"I think my legs broken, how about the guy that hit me I think he was shot."
"He's doing fine." Radomir lied, as a former Army medic and marksman he knew that sometimes telling someone what they wanted to hear could save their life.

He checked the corpse in the Hummer for a pulse. "Still warm" He muttered to himself he was glad that the dead guy was warm meant they weren't far behind Dee.

"Ceege go on they might need you." Radomir yelled as he pointed further up the road.

Radomir heard the familiar sound of his phone.
"You have a bunch of emergency services heading your way what in Neo's name is going on in there."
"Are they all blue or am I gonna have to make myself disappear Ocelet?"
"Most are blue but you know the cops, hardwired into the system if I were you I would make myself invisible. Besides Dee's Vitals just took a beating I...I think there was an accident."

Radomir felt the sinking feeling in his stomach, as he had when Ang told him to go.

" she...."
"No she is alive looks like a concussion maybe something bruised or broken I'm not sure I cant do a full anaylsis right now."
"Where is she?"
"Keep going the way you were you wont miss them."
"Them? Ocelet what are you talking about them?"
"Well her and Pylat." Radomir hung up and jumped on his motorcycle, fish tailing wide as he raced ahead.

Meanwhile in the real Ocelet sighed "He always does that. One day he is going to miss something important." Just then the proximity alert sounded again. "Unlike you squiddy you don't miss nothing do ya?"

Radomir rode as hard and fast as his bike would take him....
Thread Closed 

Messages In This Thread
Foundations of Code (Zionites) - by Valaro - 11-21-2009, 09:01 AM
RE: Foundations of Code (Zionites) - by Morpheus - 11-21-2009, 09:30 AM
RE: Foundations of Code (Zionites) - by Valaro - 11-21-2009, 09:32 AM
RE: Foundations of Code (Zionites) - by Morpheus - 11-21-2009, 09:33 AM
RE: Foundations of Code (Zionites) - by Valaro - 11-21-2009, 09:34 AM
RE: Foundations of Code (Zionites) - by Morpheus - 11-21-2009, 09:35 AM

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